Psittacosis is an infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci, which is spread to humans by birds, causing systemic (throughout the body) symptoms and pneumonia. Below you may find medications used to treat or help with Psittacosis. More about Psittacosis

Psittacosis FAQ

What are the symptoms of Psittacosis?

Symptoms include high fever, headache, muscle aches, and a dry cough, which may lead to breathing difficulties.

Can Psittacosis be transmitted between humans?

Human-to-human transmission is extremely rare and mainly occurs through contact with infected birds or their droppings.

How is Psittacosis diagnosed?

Diagnosis is usually based on symptoms, exposure to birds, and confirmed through specific laboratory tests.

Is Psittacosis curable?

Yes, Psittacosis can be effectively treated with antibiotics, especially when diagnosed and treated early.

Can I get Psittacosis from pet birds?

Yes, various species of birds, including pet birds, can carry the Chlamydia psittaci bacterium and transmit the infection to humans.

What should I do if I suspect I have Psittacosis?

Seek medical attention immediately, especially if you have been exposed to birds or have flu-like symptoms that persist or worsen.

Can Psittacosis lead to complications?

In severe cases, Psittacosis can lead to pneumonia and other respiratory complications if left untreated.

How long does it take to recover from Psittacosis?

With the appropriate antibiotic treatment, most people recover fully within a few weeks.

Are there any preventive measures for Psittacosis?

Taking precautions, such as avoiding bird droppings and handling birds with care, can reduce the risk of contracting Psittacosis.

Is there a vaccine for Psittacosis?

There is currently no vaccine available for Psittacosis in humans.

Can I go to work with Psittacosis?

It is important to consult a healthcare professional regarding work restrictions, especially if your job involves close contact with birds or susceptible individuals.

Is there an age group more susceptible to Psittacosis?

People of any age can get Psittacosis, but those with compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions may be at higher risk for severe complications.

Is Psittacosis common?

Psittacosis is considered rare but can occur in individuals who come into contact with infected birds, particularly in certain occupational settings.

Can Psittacosis be prevented?

Practicing good hygiene and taking precautions when handling birds or bird environments can help prevent Psittacosis infection.

Is Psittacosis a seasonal illness?

Psittacosis cases may be more common in certain seasons or in regions with a higher prevalence of infected birds, but it can occur at any time of the year.

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Information provided by Dr. Tekeste Etay Teka. Reviewed by Dr. Mohamed El Khouly