Spinal Spasticity is caused by damage to the spinal cord. The spasticity symptoms include sudden involuntary bending or straightening of a limb, overactive reflexes, muscles spasms, and tightness or stiffness of muscles. Below you may find medications used to treat or help with Spinal Spasticity. More about Spinal Spasticity




Spinal Spasticity FAQ

What causes spinal spasticity?

Spinal spasticity is often caused by damage or diseases affecting the spinal cord, such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, or spinal cord injury.

What are the symptoms of spinal spasticity?

Common symptoms include muscle stiffness, spasms, involuntary muscle contractions, and difficulty with movement.

How is spinal spasticity diagnosed?

Diagnosis is typically based on medical history, symptoms, and physical examination. Tests such as MRI may be used to assess spinal cord damage.

What are the treatment options for spinal spasticity?

Treatment may involve medications, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. Medications like baclofen and tizanidine can help manage symptoms.

Can spinal spasticity be cured?

While there is no cure for spinal spasticity, treatments can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Can physical therapy help with spinal spasticity?

Yes, physical therapy can be beneficial in managing spinal spasticity by improving flexibility, strength, and mobility.

What are the complications of untreated spinal spasticity?

Untreated spinal spasticity can lead to muscle contractures, joint stiffness, difficulty with daily activities, and decreased quality of life.

Are there specific exercises recommended for spinal spasticity?

Exercises focusing on stretching, range of motion, and strengthening can help manage spasticity symptoms. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

What lifestyle adjustments can help with spinal spasticity?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity, balanced diet, and stress management, can contribute to better management of spinal spasticity.

Can medications for spinal spasticity cause side effects?

Yes, some medications used to manage spinal spasticity can have side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, and muscle weakness. It is important to discuss potential side effects with a healthcare provider.

Is there ongoing research for new treatments for spinal spasticity?

Researchers are continually exploring new therapies for spinal spasticity, including novel medications and interventions to improve symptom management and quality of life.

Can spinal spasticity affect mental health?

The impact of spinal spasticity on mental health can vary, but coping with chronic symptoms may lead to emotional stress or mental health challenges. Seek support from healthcare professionals if needed.

Can spinal spasticity occur in children?

Yes, spinal spasticity can occur in children, often as a result of conditions such as cerebral palsy or genetic disorders affecting the spinal cord.

What should family members or caregivers know about dealing with spinal spasticity?

Education about the condition, supporting the individual's treatment plan, and providing care and emotional support are key roles for family members and caregivers.

Can spinal spasticity affect bladder and bowel function?

Yes, in some cases, spinal spasticity can impact bladder and bowel function. It is important to discuss any changes with a healthcare provider for appropriate management.

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Information provided by Dr. Tekeste Etay Teka. Reviewed by Dr. Mohamed El Khouly